The Lords desire is to bless us and He goes as far as to tell us one of the avenues through which blessings are obtained. Through the prophet Malachi, the Lord encourages His people once again by redirecting their attention back to His storehouse. He does the same thing through the prophet Habakkuk. He will always point us to the temple, and Christ is our temple. (John 2:19-21) The Lord requires the tithe (a tenth) of our increase be brought into the storehouse that there may be meat in His house. Not only is Jesus our temple, but He is also the meat (flesh) that is to be eaten in the storehouse. In John 6, while the multitudes followed Jesus for the show (His prophetic words), He said
"unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you.”
Note what happened when He referred to His main purpose (His cross). All turned away except the twelve. The only storehouse the Lord establishes is one that preaches Christ and Him crucified. Where the cross is not the message in every sermon, there is no meat in the House of the Lord, therefore, no power and it is not a store house the Lord has established.
Yes, that’s correct. The Lord will not honor your giving just because you give to a church, but as you bring your tithe and offerings into the storehouse He has established, He then can and will rebuke the devourer on your behalf and pour out on you a blessing that you cannot contain. That is a promise from the Lord. If your blessed financially, but your not sowing into the preaching of the gospel, which is the preaching of what Paul preached (the cross), then your just blessed because you live in a blessed nation and there are many lost folks who have money and some more than you. The Lord causes it to rain on the just and the unjust.
You can only know without a shadow of a doubt that what you have materially is directly from the Lord if you’re faith is in the cross of Christ and you’re sowing into a ministry that preaches just that. Remember, if you’ve got all you’ve got because you’re a getter and not a giver then all you’ve got will one day get you.
God’s storehouse has meat on the table and that meat is Christ and Him crucified. God chose the preaching of the cross, so when will you surrender to Gods way? Have you got too much invested into what you think is right today? So did the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. It’s our prayer that you could see what the Lord is doing and be a part of it. Ask the Lord for that fresh touch of boldness to declare Truth to a lost World.
We love you and are praying for you, Jesus is coming soon!!
Although Naaman was a great man (Captain of the King of Syria’s army), yet still, he was a leper. Leprosy in the old covenant was symbolic of sin and Naaman desired to be free of this disease just as any Christian should desire to be free of the dominating power of sin. After being told of a prophet of God, Naaman set out, but the prophet just sent a messenger with a message for Naaman. The message was, “Go dip in the river Jordan seven times”. Naaman wasn’t pleased saying, “are not all the rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel?
The Jordan River, Jordan meaning descender, descended from Galilee into the Dead Sea. The Jordon is representative of Calvary. Just as the Jordan runs into the Dead Sea, so does Christ’s baptism by John identify Himself with man and the purpose on His life. The Jordon points to His death and ours as well, because we were crucified with Him being baptized into His death (Romans 6:3)
All other waters (messages) look and sound good, but for those who have ears to hear and desire to walk in a place where leprosy (sin) doesn’t have dominion over you (Rom. 7:14), take note; It is only your faith in what Christ did at Calvary that allows the Holy Spirit to bring the victory you need. All else is just water that will not satisfy or sanctify. Remember: Your faith is not in the cross of Christ if your preacher isn’t preaching the cross of Christ.
The Lord will be coming any moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and the difference between the one’s that are gone with Him and the one’s remaining behind will be what the object of their faith has been. Months ago, the Lord revealed to me that for years I learned about ministry, but never learned what to minister. If we’ve been called by the Lord ministers of reconciliation, and have had the Word of reconciliation committed unto us, and have been reconciled by the blood, what is the ministry of those whom the Lord sends? Over the last few years, I’ve found my faith in many things that are good things, but none of them were things that allowed the Holy Spirit to work in my life. He only works in me based on my faith in His finished work at Calvary. (Romans 8:2)