The LORD is a Man of war: The LORD is His Name.Jesus IS The Man of war. The LORD is His Name. He super abounds in His qualification and ability to teach our hands to war, and our fingers to fight. By The Blood and The Power of His cross, He teaches our fingers to lay hold, grip, and not let go of the Sword of The Spirit (The Word of God) and the Shield of faith. It is by His Grace that He teaches and leads us.
Exodus 15:3
He teaches us to cry out when our arms become feeble because it is The LORD, the King of Glory Who is Strong and Mighty in Battle. The Word of God Says that He learned obedience through the things He suffered. He suffered in obedience not for Himself, but for us. As He was coming to the greatest show of obedience being in an agony, a struggle, (which was the death of the cross – which is the place of death for our flesh) the Word of God Says of this Strong and Mighty Man of War that He fell on His Face in tears with a powerful outcry and prayed to The God above Knowing He (God) was able to Save. God did not reject nor despise His prayers, but rather sent an angel from The Throne Room of God to Strengthen Him. Jesus knew He could not bypass the cross just as we cannot bypass the death of our flesh (our cross which is faith in His cross), but He poured His heart out before God to the fullest in such an agony that The Word says, “His sweat was as great drops of blood falling to the ground.”
As our flesh is being crucified, if we will just cry out to God to the fullest pouring our heart out before Him, HE will strengthen us. The battle is The Lord’s. He is The God and Rock of our Salvation. He is The Refuge that Forever Stands. It is His Work. The Sword of The Spirit changes and conforms ‘us’ even as it Comforts us. The shield of faith, knowing God IS transforming us into the image of His Son Jesus Christ, will protect us from the accusing and deception of the enemy. It is Not over and The Victory is already won! There is a beautiful Work to be done and a beautiful Work being done. Although weeping may endure for a night, Praise be to God, there is an Everlasting Joy that is coming in the morning!
Stand strong IN The Lord and be of good courage. The Commandment of God Was, Is, and Ever Will Be to and for our Salvation; our initial Salvation and our daily Salvation. There is no rest in yesterday’s surrender. Surrender is something that must be done every day, because we need rest everyday. Sometimes that surrender of obedience comes with great agony, but if we will fall on our face before God and cry out to Him knowing we are not able of ourselves, He Who is Greater than the angels, will be there to Help and Strengthen us with all Compassion. Have Faith in The One Who Loved you and Gave Himself for you. He is your Salvation and He is your Strength. Our God and our King is a Mighty Man of war and The Victory has already been won.
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